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四名澳门威斯尼斯人wns615app下载app客户端-澳门威斯尼斯人wns615app-最新版本的学生被选为Gamma Sigma Epsilon的成员, 全国化学荣誉学会.

加勒特海特, Davidson; Ryan Kerr, Duncan; Tatiana Gonzalez and William Jones III, Lawton; and Grace Crowell, 育空河, 已经入选荣誉协会了吗.

Gamma Sigma Epsilon的使命是促进对知识和真理的追求, both as ends in themselves and to aid in the uplifting of the human condition; the respect for all things living and non-living, reacting and non-reacting; and the promotion of scientific research, 特别是在化学领域.

为了成为Sigma的一员, 本科学生必须完成至少18个学时的化学课程,平均绩点必须达到3分.总体是0分,3分.化学2.


