

发展教育评估委员会 支持正在进行的活动和倡议,以改善发展教育的交付和学习成果. DEAC的成员共同监督数学发展教育的评估过程, 英语, 而阅读则包括含学分和非含学分的补充教学等活动, 辅导, 还有同伴指导. 委员会进行审查和修订, 根据需要, 结果, 措施, and targets; 2) coordinates with the appropriate departments or units to gather data from content-based 措施; 3) analyzes data from 措施 and coordinates with the appropriate departments or units to develop or recommend action 计划 for improvement 4) coordinates with appropriate departments and 各单位执行及更新行动计划,并评估所执行行动的成效 计划.


教师: (Staggered terms of two years) Two appointed by the Chair of the Department of Computing and Mathematical Sciences; two appointed by the Chair of the Department of Communication, 英语, and Foreign Languages; one elected from the School of Graduate and Professional Studies; one elected from the School of 文理学院; 还有一名是从教与学办公室任命的.

工作人员: (交错任期两年)由教务处聘任两名及 学习.

管理员: 负责学术事务的副校长或代表(当然, nonvoting); the Director of 制度研究、评估和问责制 or 代表(当然委员,无表决权).