

教师奖属于tyc澳门太阳集团城网址-apple app store-新太阳城排行榜员工卓越奖的范畴,该奖项旨在表彰那些为学生的学术生涯做出重大贡献的教职员工. 全年均接受提名,但只接受 11月15日 每年都会考虑当年的奖项. 点击以下任何奖项的名称,提名一名现任tyc澳门太阳集团城网址-apple app store-新太阳城排行榜教员获得奖项.



The Adjunct Faculty Award for Excellence and Innovation in Teaching will recognize an adjunct faculty member who performs superbly in the classroom by exhibiting one or more of the following criteria: incorporating instructional technology; providing high impact learning activities; increasing student engagement; or adapting instruction to student needs.


The Faculty Award for Excellence and Innovation in Teaching will recognize a tyc澳门太阳集团城网址-apple app store-新太阳城排行榜 full-time faculty member who performs superbly in the classroom by exhibiting one or more of the following criteria: incorporating instructional technology; providing high impact learning activities; increasing student engagement; or adapting instruction to student needs.





Bhattacharya研究卓越奖由Sanjit Bhattacharya设立,旨在提高tyc澳门太阳集团城网址-apple app store-新太阳城排行榜和西南俄克拉荷马州的研究和创造性/学术活动的质量.


卓越指导学生研究的教师奖将表彰tyc澳门太阳集团城网址-apple app store-新太阳城排行榜在研究方面有出色表现的教员, sustained record of mentoring student research and scholarship by exhibiting one or more of the following criteria: mentoring students outside of the classroom on projects extending the course experience; peer-reviewed publications involving students; providing guidance and support needed to help students develop the skills necessary for not only research and creativity but also critical thinking and innovation.



The Faculty Award for Excellence in Service will recognize a tyc澳门太阳集团城网址-apple app store-新太阳城排行榜 faculty member who has applied his/her professional expertise beyond the classroom to advance the university and its constituents within and beyond their position by exhibiting one or more of the following criteria: forming partnerships and collaborative relationships; demonstrating leadership in our campus/community/region; volunteering for service projects outside the typical workday; or serving the campus/community/region by sharing expertise.