

通识教育委员会 (1)建立和审查认证课程应满足的指导方针 通识教育课程 requirements; (2) certifies courses for meeting general education requirements; (3) develops guidelines for determining the applicability of transfer courses for meeting general education requirements; (4) evaluates general education assessment results and proposes appropriate program modifications; (5) reviews 通识教育课程 to assure compliance with regulations and standards of governing bodies and accreditors; (6) formulates and promotes professional development programs for general education faculty; and (7) reports annually on the effectiveness of the 通识教育课程.


教师: 六个来自艺术学院 & Sciences elected by the faculty; Five from the School of Graduate and Professional Studies elected by the faculty; one from the 图书馆 appointed by the Director of 图书馆 Services; one representative elected by and from 教师参议院.

学生: 2名由学生会会长任命.

管理员: 香港大学机构研究及评估主任 & 问责制(当然, nonvoting); the Associate Vice President for 学术事务; the Vice President for 教务处或其代表(当然成员,无表决权).