

教师教育委员会 担任教师教育主任的顾问. 的 Council (1) reviews teacher education regulations and proposed changes; (2) reviews all approved teacher education programs, proposed programs, and proposed changes in approved programs; (3) makes recommendations regarding the professional education sequence; and (4) makes 关于教师教育学生的选择、录取和保留的建议. 教师教育委员会辖下的常设小组委员会包括遴选、录取及 留用委员会和教师发展委员会.


教师: One elected by and from the Faculty Senate; one from each certificate program 由本学科系主任任命.

学生: One representing elementary education; one representing secondary education; and 一名代表教育领导,全部由学生会任命 协会主席.

管理员: Director of Teacher Education (ex-officio, non-voting) chairs the Council; Coordinator 实地经验主任(当然)担任遴选、录取、 和保留委员会,NCATE协调员(当然,无投票权).

公众: 2名获教师教育评议会邀请参加(无表决权).