

教与学委员会 以顾问的身份提供建议 向有关图书馆的行政人员汇报, 教学技术, 以及其他学习资源 中心. 该委员会审查提案并就大学资助提出建议 创新教学资助.


教师: One elected by and from the Faculty Senate; one librarian appointed by the Director of 图书馆 Services; one from each school appointed by the Dean.

学生: 三名由学生会任命为学生会主席.

管理员: Two appointed by the President; two appointed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs; the Vice President for 学术事务 or his/her representative (ex-officio, non-voting); the Director of Distance Learning (ex-officio, non-voting).